by Gabriela Tatar

Sonntag, 9. September 2007

In Memoriam Jancsi / In memory of Jancsi

15 Jahre lang war Jancsi der Schatten meines Vaters, aber am 3.Sep 2007 mußten wir Jancsi von seinem Leiden erlösen lassen. Kaum zur Welt gekommen, war er samt seinen Geschwistern weggeworfen worden. Glücklicherweise fand jemand die Kleinen und ich zog Jancsi mit der Flasche groß, unterstützt von meiner Schäferhündin Rifka. Er entwickelte sich zu einem ansehnlichen, lustigen Kerlchen, das allerlei Flausen im Kopf hatte und sich gut in das Rudel, das wir zwischenzeitlich hatten, einfügte. Leider ist der Weg, den wir mit unseren vierbeinigen Freunden gemeinsam gehen ein viel zu kurzer... Jancsi fehlt uns sehr.

15 years Jancsi was my dad´s shadow, but on Sep 3rd 2007 we had to have him put down.
Soon after his birth he and his siblings had been thrown away.
Luckily somebody found them and I bottle raised Jancsi, assisted by my german shepherd Rifka.
He grew to be a handsome, fun guy, with a lot of nonsense in his head and fitted right into the wee pack, that we had meanwhile.
Unfortunately, the road, that we walk together with our four legged friends is much too short...Jancsi is deeply missed.

5 Kommentare:

BumbleVee hat gesagt…

Oh Gaby..... so sorry for your loss....what a beautiful face he had.

The loss of our pets is a terrible thing....and no matter how long we have them it is still too short a time isn't it?

big hugs,...

Gaby hat gesagt…

vee, thanx for your sympathy!
Yes, Jancs had a beautiful face, and all in al he was a very pretty dog with exceptional eye color.
So sad, that they cannot grow old with you have dogs?

BumbleVee hat gesagt…

I only ever had one a kid... he was a very special guy too..

we also had two cats that lived to be 22 and 21.... and other cats later when I was an adult...but no pets right now.

Bumpkin Hill hat gesagt…

I'm so sorry to hear about Jancsi, Gaby. He looked like such a kind chap, he must have brought such happiness into your families life.

Gaby hat gesagt…

thank you for your thoughts- Janci was a real bundle of joy, he is deeply missed :((