Die beiden Fotos zeigen Faye nach 3 oder 4 Tagen beim Tierarzt.
Dort kümmert man sich rührend um die Süsse, sie musste geschoren werden, da sie täglich Bäder hat, die ihre Hauterkrankung abheilen sollen.
Sobald dies geschehen ist, und wenn sich ihr Zustand gebessert hat, kann man ihren Uterus operieren.
Kriszta, die Dame, bei der sie zur Zeit in der Nähe von Budapest lebt, hofft, dass dies nächste Woche so weit sein wird.
These 2 pix show Faye 3 or 4 days after she arrived at the vet.
They affectionately take care of her there, she had to be shaved, because she has daily bathes to make her skin condition heal.
As soon as the skin is well again and her over all condition has improved, her uterus can be operated.
Kriszta, the lady where she is at now close to Budapest, hopes, that this might happen next week.
Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008
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1 Kommentar:
Ohhhh Gaby...poor little Faye!!!
I could cheerfully kill anybody who does these things to animals@! It is terrible how cruel some people can be. Thank goodness she is in good hands now. I sure hope she is able to come back and be strong enough and healthy enough to be able to have the surgery. It is so difficult to get them back when they have been let go so far sometimes......
Keeping my fingers and toes all crossed for this little girl. I bet she would make a wonderful pet for somebody who would love and treat her gently. Look at that face...she has intelligent eyes, but has definitely seen more than her share of unhappiness already.
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