by Gabriela Tatar

Mittwoch, 17. März 2010

Museum of Natural History.....

...just the right place to be for me as a bone phobic;)
You would think! DANKE TOBI! Thanx to Tobias, my phobia was gone in an instant.
I even thought about touching the T-Rex skeleton since you can walk by so closely.
But then I had visions of me being held in prison for having torn down the skeleton with one single finger tip, and I have to admit, that´s not my favorite place to be;)
Gazillion of kids, and an african elephant welcome you at the entrance of the museum- that´s as far as I would have gotten in former times.
And here it goes: and I have been there!:)
A hall filled with nothing else but bones- apart from another gazillion kids.
The triceratops was the first I found:
Just opposite of the T-Rex ( Mark Bolan and "Ride A White Swan" comes to mind ) :

..and face to face ( can you imagine the odour out off a real T-Rex´s mouth???) looking down on me.
"I drive a rolls royce 'cos it's good for my voice But you won't fool the children of the revolution" ...I just love it...I should listen to T-Rex more often, their lyrics sure would do me some good;))

Here´s my favorite dynosaur: Stegosaurus stenops...cute, isn´t he?

He looks the cuddliest of all dinosaurs- well, at least sort of;)

But I wouldn´t wanna mess with him: ( forgot his name) small but dangerous....

Some swimmosaurus:

And, here you can watch the archeologists at work:
But, there is much more to see at the Smithsonians, like this reef without water:
Or this gigantic, man made jellyfish:

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