by Gabriela Tatar

Sonntag, 22. Juli 2007

Lost cat

My cat, which is a real diva, is used to living indoors. I don´t let her out unsupervised, because we have a busy street close by and a couple of brain damaged scum, who poison animals, or torture them.
A few weeks ago I met a man at the vet, who used to live not far from us, and who´s partner had a very kind persian cat, that she let run free. One day kitty disappeared and the lady had to face the terrible truth, that her cat had been tied together and used as a soccer ball at Mc Donald´s closed parking lot by some unbelievably bad people. I don´t need to add, that poor kitty did not survive.

Since 2 days my furry monster is missing; she must have escaped somehow during the night. A very stormy and hot night, I have to add.
My partner and I have been searching the neighbourhood, calling her name: Kissy, or Kisskiss ( can you imagine how silly you feel, walking around shouting KISSKISS?)
René had printed want ads which we stuck to lamp posts around here and dropped in the mail boxes.
Kissy´s breeder in Germany told me, that the best time to search for a missing animal is 3:00 am. Just right for me, after I come home from work at 1:30.
So, last night we went around with her toy, which squeaks like a wee birdy.
No trace of Kissy, but a hedgehog showed up, obviousely he had imagined, that he could catch a weak little bird.

I bet, Kissy just wanted to have some fun, and if I knew that she´s ok, I would be more than happy, and I pray for her save return.

In all these last weeks I had a hard time sleeping, was up again between 4:00 and 5:00 am because my dog had descided, that the night was over and I just feel worn out.
I guess, somebody on drugs must feel like I feel now, my life just happens and I can´t get hold of it.
So I´m looking forward to a week in Hungary next week, even though I thought about cancelling this vacation as well.
Then again I thought, it won´t help anybody, or does it? I have not the slightest clue...

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